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其他類別:CD CD-ROM

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書系代碼 名稱 校閱 作者 原著 譯者 出版日期 優惠價
CD001 Rheumatology CD-ROM Klippel 13,120 
CD002 Interactive Skeleton Multimedia Abrahams 6,536 
CD003 Clinical Hematology CD-Atlas Hoffbrand 7,260 
CD004 Infectious Diseases CD-Atlas Farrar 5,280 
CD005 Clinical Neurology CD-Atlas Perkin 6,520 
CD006 Pathology Multimedia Stevens 3,500 
CD007 Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy Multimedia Weir 5,280 
CD008 Clinical Endocrinology CD-Atlas Besser 6,536 
CD009 Clinical Gastroenterology Cd-Atlas Misiewicz 5,280 
CD011 Evolution 2/e (CD-ROM) Stevens 1,800 
CD012 Dorland's Electronic Medical Dictionary 1998 CD-ROM for Windows and Macintosh 29/e H.B. 2,800 
CD013 Freshney's Culture of Animal Cells A Multimedia Guide Freshney 2000/7/1 8,575 
CD017 Textbook and Atlas of Gastroenterology 1999 Yamada 1999/5/1 13,965 
CD018 Schiff's Disease of the Live 8/e 1999 Schiuff 1999/5/1 8,015 
CD024 Anatomy & Physiology Revealed 2.0 DVD-ROM 2007/11/01 1,500 
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