Marine Protected Areas and Ocean Conservation 1997

pt. I. Marine Conservation Issues.
1. Introduction to Marine Systems: Biodiversity, Ecology and Value to Humans.
2. Threats to Oceans and Coastal Areas.
3. General Measures to Address Threats to Marine Ecosystems
pt. II. Countering Threats to Ocean Systems Through Marine Protected Areas.
4. An Introduction to Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Management Goals
pt. III. Types of Marine Protected Areas.
5. Marine Protected Area Typologies.
6. Closed Area Designations and Harvest Refugia: One End of the Type Spectrum.
7. Coastal Biosphere Reserves: The Other End of the Type Spectrum.
8. Marine Protected Area Case Studies
pt. IV. The General Process for Planning and Implementing Marine Protected Areas.
9. Marine Protected Area Site Selection.
10. Guidelines for Marine Protected Area Design and Management Planning
pt. V. Future Prospects.
11. International Instruments and Frameworks Facilitating Marine Protected Area Designation.
12. Conclusions
Appendix. Principles for the Conservation of Living Resources
Literature Cited
