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書系代碼 名稱 校閱 作者 原著 譯者 出版日期 優惠價
IL037 Ribosomes and Protein Synthesis 1990 Spedding 500 
IL042 Medical Bacteriology 2004 Hawkey 2004/1/1 2,400 
IL045 Advances in Gene Technology : Molecular Neurobiology and Neuropharmacology 1989 Rotundo 500 
IL103 Molecular Neurobiology 1991 Chad 1991/7/1 500 
IL114 Crystallization of Nucleic Acids and Proteins 2/e 1999 Ducruix 2000/7/1 1,925 
IL198 Mobile Genetic Elements 1995 (Frontiers in Molecular Biology) Sherratt 1,620 
IL225 Eukaryotic mRNA Processing 1997 Krainer 1997/7/1 1,650 
IL257 Mouse Genet Transgen 2000 Jackson 1,650 
IL263 Membrane Transport 2000 Baldwin 2000/7/1 1,788 
IL271 Human Cytogenetics:Constitutional Analysis 3/e 2001 Rooney 2001/7/1 1,925 
IL275 Protein-Protein Recognition 2000 Kleanthous 2001/7/1 1,925 
IL282 Receptors: Structure and Function 2/e 2002 Stanford 2001/1/1 1,925 
IL283 Molecular and Cellular Biology of Filamentous Fungi 2001 Talbot 2001/1/1 2,080 
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