A Concise Colour Guide to Clinical Surface Anatomy 1997

定價 $ 550
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A Concise Colour Guide to Clinical Surface Anatomy 1997-需求單

A Concise Colour Guide to Clinical Surface Anatomy 1997


Students of anatomy increasingly require sound knowledge of surface anatomy for their examinations and in preparation for clinical practice. This is a clear, region by region account of clinically important and readily identifiable surface anatomy for students of medicine, paramedical professions, and surgical trainees. Beautifully designed for ease of learning, it provides short descriptions, line illustrations, and full colour photos, and detailed notes on the clinical significance of structures. The author focuses on the essentials.


Neil R. Borley MB BS FRCS (Eng), FRCS (Ed), Clinical Tutor in Surgery, University of Oxford.


A: Viscera

1. Lungs and trachea

2. Pleura

3. Heart and valves

4. Great vessels of the thorax

5. Chest wall

6. Transpyloric plane

7. Anterior abdomen

8. Posterior abdomen

B. Head and Neck

1. Head-bony landmark

2. Head-soft tissues

3. Ear and side of the face

4. NeckI

5. Neck II

6. Neck III

7. Face

C. Upper Limb

1. Anterior arm -landmarkd and arteries

2. Anterior arm-nerves

3. Posterior arm

4. Forearm-flexor aspect, nerves

5. Forearm-flexor asect, arteries

6. Forearm-extensor aspect

7. Palm of the hand I

8. Palm of the hand II

9. Dorsum of the hand

10. Anatomical snuffbox

D. Lower Limb

1. Buttock-bony landmarks

2. Buttock-soft tissues

3. Inguinal region-bony landmarkd

4. Inguinal region-soft tissues I

5.Inguinal region-soft tissues II

6. Inguinal region-soft tisues III

7. Muscles of the popliteal fossa

8. Popliteal fossa-other structure

9. Anterior thigh

10. Calf

11. Ankle-anterior aspect

12. Ankle-medial aspect

13. Ankle-lateral aspect

14. Dorsum of the foot

ISBN-13碼 : 9781874545293
ISBN-10碼 : 1874545294
出版日期 : 1997/1/1
書系代碼 : 01068
作者 : Neil R. Borley
開數 : 18開
頁數 : 92
裝訂 : 平裝
定價 : NT$550.00

