Atlas of Clinical Gross Anatomy 2005

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Atlas of Clinical Gross Anatomy 2005


Winner of the Richard Asher Prize for a First Medical Textbook for Students
Responding to current trends in anatomy curricula, this innovative new resource covers surface and radiologi¬cal anatomy and cutaneous and muscular innervations as well as gross anatomy. Outstandingly realistic three-dimensional photographs and illustrations, plus a consistent chapter organization, summary tables, and other user-friendly features, enhance readers' mastery of essential information. It provides students with a unique resource for use before, during and after lab work, in preparation for examinations, and later on as a primer for clinical work.
• LARGE PHOTOS, typically just one per page, taken in such a way as to be as intuitive as possible: so, no more squinting over a small photo or wondering where on the live body the dissection image might relate to;
• DIGITAL PHOTOSHOP TECHNIQUES used on some of the dissections to color enhance structures and thereby combine the best features of a photo atlas and an artwork atlas; so, no more puzzling over structures that are hard to distinguish from the background of the dissection, a criticism often levelled at photographic atlases;
• Simple, non-parallel LEADER LINE LABELLING as opposed to matching numbers to a key at the bottom of the page: so, no need to spend time trying to find a number on a dissection, then matching it to a key at the bottom of the page;
• SPECIALLY COMMISSIONED DISSECTIONS, all done to a uniformly high standard, all using cadavers that have been freshly dissected and prepared using low alcohol fixative: so, each dissection will look "fresh", not "washed out", while remaining intuitively easy to understand and reproduce in the dissection lab;
• Navigational BODY REGION ICON on the top right hand corner of every double page spread: so, no more flicking back and forth trying to find a particular part of the body - no need even to consult the Contents pages or Index for navigation purposes;
• RIGOROUSLY CONSISTENT, "SUPERFICIAL TO DEEP" chapter structure: * Introductory overview text * Clinical correlations text * Surface anatomy illustration * Superficial dissection(s) * Muscle review table * Intermediate dissection(s) * Deep dissection(s) * Osteology & X-Ray * Each chapter follows the same pattern throughout so the reader will always know exactly what coverage to expect, and in which order;
• Concise REVIEW TEXT including BOLD FACE TERMS and MNEMONICS: so, the student will be able to obtain a quick overview of the structures to be illustrated on the following pages and clarify any questions s/he may have about anatomic relationships;
• Short CLINICAL CORRELATIONS text that bridges the gap between gross anatomy and clinical practice thereby enlivening the descriptive anatomy and relating it to real-life practice;
• Photographic material which reflects not just the lab setting but also the PHYSICAL EXAM and SURGICAL INTERVENTIONS that students will encounter later on in clinical practice;
• SURFACE ANATOMY for every structure with MUSCLES, major BONES and CUTANEOUS INNERVATION "ghosted" on to the surface: so, the student can learn to relate surface landmarks to underlying structures of clinical relevance;
• SUMMARY TABLES for origin, insertion, innervation, action and blood supply of muscles: this is ideal for self-testing and review purposes, students have raved about this feature;
• CROSS SECTIONS, X-RAYS, MRIs, CTs, ANGIOGRAMS, ENDOSCOPIC and LAPARASCOPIC VIEWS at the end of each chapter, to help the student (a) learn to identify structures as they will later appear during clinical practice and then, (b) when s/he starts to see these diagnostic techniques during clinical rotation, recognise where on the body the image relates to.


Responding to current trends in anatomy curricula, this innovative new resource covers surface and radiologi柚al anatomy and cutaneous and muscular innervations as well as gross anatomy. Outstandingly realistic three-dimensional photographs and illustrations, plus a consistent chapter organization, summary tables, and other user-friendly features, enhance readers' mastery of essential information. It provides students with a unique resource for use before, during and after lab work, in preparation for examinations, and later on as a primer for clinical work.


By Kenneth Moses, MD, Division of Anatomy Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, CA, USA; John C. Banks, PhD, Professor of Anatomy, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI; Pedro B. Nava, PhD, Division Director, Associate Professor, Division of Anatomy Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, CA; and Darrell Petersen, Instructor, Department of Pathology and Human Anatomy, Biomedical Photographer, Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, CA.


1. Introduction to Anatomy


2. Introduction to Head and Neck

3. Skull

4. Scalp and Face

5. Parotid, Temporal and Pterygopalatine Regions

6. Eye

7. Ear

8. Nose

9. Oral Region

10. Pharynx and Larynx

11. Submental Region

12. Anterior Triangle

13. Posterior Triangle/Deep Neck


14. Introduction to the Upper Extremity

15. Breast and Pectoral Regions

16. Axilla/Brachial Plexus

17. Scapular Region

18. Shoulder Complex 19. Arm

20. Elbow Joint/Cubital Fossa

21. Anterior Forearm

22. Posterior Forearm

23. Wrist and Hand Joints

24. Hand Muscles


25. Introduction to Thorax/Abdomen/Pelvis

26. Vertebral Column

27. Posterior Neck (Nuchal Region)

28. Back Muscles

29. Chest Wall/Thorax

30. Heart

31. Lungs

32. Diaphragm/Posterior Abdominal Wall

33. Abdominal Organs

34. Gastrointestinal Tract

35. Anterolateral Abdominal Wall/Inguinal Region

36. Pelvis

37. Pelvic Viscera - Male and Female

38. Perineum


39. Introduction to the Lower Extremity

40. Anteromedial Thigh

41. Hip Joint

42. Gluteal Region/Posterior Thigh

43. Knee Joint and Popliteal Fossa

44. Anterolateral Leg

45. Posterior Leg

46. Ankle Complex

47. Foot

ISBN-13碼 : 9780323037440
ISBN-10碼 : 0323037445
出版日期 : 2005
書系代碼 : 01083
作者 : Kenneth Moses.Pedro Nava.John Banks.Darrell Petersen
頁數 : 564
裝訂 : 平裝
印刷 : 彩色
定價 : NT$2,400.00
教學資源 : 僅供採用本書為授課教科書之老師申請

