Essentials of Medical Biochemistry With Clinical Cases 2011

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Essentials of Medical Biochemistry With Clinical Cases 2011


Expert biochemist N.V. Bhagavan’s new work condenses his successful Medical Biochemistry texts along with numerous case studies, to act as an extensive review and reference guide for both students and experts alike. The research-driven content includes four-color illustrations throughout to develop an understanding of the events and processes that are occurring at both the molecular and macrolecular levels of physiologic regulation, clinical effects, and interactions. Using thorough introductions, end of chapter reviews, fact-filled tables, and related multiple-choice questions, Bhagavan provides the reader with the most condensed yet detailed biochemistry overview available. More than a quick survey, this comprehensive text includes USMLE sample exams from Bhagavan himself, a previous coauthor.
• Clinical focus emphasizing relevant physiologic and pathophysiologic biochemical concepts
• Interactive multiple-choice questions to prep for USMLE exams
• Clinical case studies for understanding basic science, diagnosis, and treatment of human diseases
• Instructional overview figures, flowcharts, and tables to enhance understanding


N. V. Bhagavan is an Emeritus Professor in the department of Anatomy, Biochemistry, and Physiology at the John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii at Manoa. An active professor, researcher, and teacher, he has many years of experience in both the instruction and practice of clinical biochemistry.
Chung-Eun Ha is an Associate Professor in the department of Native Hawaiian Health at the John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Since 2001, he has been teaching medical biochemistry to students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. He is also actively involved in the various aspects of molecular biology and biochemical research in the field of clinical medicine.


1. Cells - Structures and Functions
2. Water, Acids, Bases, and Buffers
3. Amino Acids
4. Three-Dimensional Structure of Proteins
5. Energetics of Biological Systems
6. Enzymes and Enzyme Regulation
7. Clinical Enzymology and Biomarkers of Tissue Injury
8. Simple Carbohydrates
9. Heteropolysaccharides I: Glycoconjugates, Glycoproteins and Glycolipids
10. Connective Tissue: Fibrous and Non-Fibrous Proteins and Proteoglycans
11. Gastroentestinal Digestion and Absorption
12. Carbohydrate Metabolism I: Glycolysis and TCA Cycle
13. Electron Transport Chain, Oxidative Phosphorylation, and Other Oxygen-consuming Systems
14. Carbohydrate Metabolism II: Gluconeogenesis, Glycogen Synthesis and Breakdown, and Alternative Pathways
15. Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism
16. Lipids I: Fatty Acids and Eicosanoids
17. Lipids II: Phospholipids, Glycosphingolipids, and Cholesterol
18. Lipids III: Plasma Lipoproteins
19. Contractile Systems
20. Perturbations of Energy Metabolism: Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus
21. Structure and properties of DNA
22. DNA Replication, Repair, and Mutagenesis
23. RNA and Protein Synthesis
24. Regulation of Gene Expression
25. Nucleotide Metabolism
26. Hemoglobin
27. Metabolism of Iron and Heme
28. Endocrine Metabolism I: Introduction and Signal Transduction
29. Endocrine Metabolism II: Hypothalamus and Pituitary
30. Endocrine Metabolism III: Adrenal Glands
31. Endocrine Metabolism IV: Thyroid Gland
32. Endocrine Metabolism V: Reproductive System
33. Immunology
34. Biochemistry of Hemostasis
35. Mineral Metabolism
36. Vitamin Metabolism
37. Water, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Balance
38. Case Studies

ISBN-13碼 : 9780120954612
出版日期 : 2011
版次 : 1
書系代碼 : 04190
作者 : N. V. Bhagavan.Chung-Eun Ha
開數 : 菊8開
頁數 : 600
裝訂 : 平裝
印刷 : 彩色
定價 : NT1,650
教學資源 : 僅供採用本書為授課教科書之老師申請

