Zubay's Principles of Biochemistry 5/E 2017

定價 $ 1,250
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Zubay's Principles of Biochemistry 5/E 2017-需求單

Zubay's Principles of Biochemistry 5/E 2017


Principles of Biochemistry has been prepared by three distinguished authors of Chemistry/Biochemistry known for their academic excellence and pedagogical approach in teaching the subject at graduate and post graduate level.

Biochemistry is now considered to be one of the fundamental subjects for various bioscience courses. The subject of biochemistry works at molecular level and thus brings to light the hidden secrets of life. The rapid development and enormous expansion of every phase of biochemistry has not only markedly enriched our knowledge about the nature of life but has also made biochemistry the language of life. In planning this book, our challenge has been to incorporate details of all recent developments whilst retaining our original aim, namely to concentrate on those techniques and principles which underlie practical exercises that undergraduates in all the biological sciences can expect to encounter in their practical classes and to cover in less detail the more sophisticated techniques that have made possible the advances they will learn about in their lectures and associated reading.

Students face problems in conceptualizing the subject within a limited time. Most of the students need a book that is lucidly presented, orderly arranged and profusely illustrated. The present book has been written in simple language in such a way that a student with very little chemistry background can easily follow the various aspects of biochemistry presented in the book. The book matches what best is available in the standard textbooks in the subject including those by Stryer, Devlin, Griffith, and Lehniger in their books on the subject. At the end of the book glossary of common terms used in biochemistry have been provided. Student activity in the form of review problems has been provided with each chapter. 

Accompanying the Textbook Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are set for students to test their understanding of the related subject matters. Answers are provided at the end of the book. This book (MCQs) is given free with each textbook.


Lead Author: Professor Geoffrey Louis Zubay, who pioneered early studies on gene expression after the discovery of the double helical structure of DNA and genetic code, died on February 5 in West Palm Beach, FL, where he and his wife resided since 2011. He was 82 years old. The cause of death was cardiac arrest. He was born in Chicago on November 15, 1931. Dr. Zubay had a very precocious youth and graduated from the University of Chicago with an A.B. in Philosophy at the age of seventeen. He received an M.A.in Physical Chemistry from the University of Chicago in 1952, and a Ph.D from Harvard University in 1957. He completed three years of post- doctoral study at Kings college of the University of London, and the Rockefeller Institute in New York. Dr. Zubay then established his own lab at the Biology Department of Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island in 1961. Three years later Dr. Zubay was recruited to Columbia University where he remained for 41 years. During his tenure at Columbia, Dr. Zubay’s lab became renowned for the development of several cell-free systems for examining the expression of genes. This was during a time of great interestin gene expression following elucidation of the structure of DNA and genetic code. In addition to a long distinguished scientific research that included more than 160 publications, Dr. Zubay wrote a widely employed textbook in Biochemistry that survived four editions. He also wrote a Genetics textbook published in 1987. In his later career, his research interests shifted to the origins of life and prebiotic chemistry. This direction led to another text Origins of Life on the Earth and in the Cosmos, for which there were two editions published by Academic Press. In the aftermaths of 9/11, Dr. Zubay compiled, along with other contributing authors, Agents of Bioterrorism: Pathogens and their weaponization, published by Columbia University Press, Athletically gifted, Dr. Zubay enjoyed playing basketball with colleagues, swimming daily of the University campus, and relaxed playing poker with friends. After retirement, Dr. Zubay and his wife relocated to San Diego, CA where he served for three years as a visiting research scholar at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography in La Jolla. Dr. Zubay is survived by his wife of 47 years, Bongsoon, his son Geoffrey Pyong, Director of Neurosurgery Department at Memorial Hermann-The Woodlands Hospital in Houston TX, his daughter-in –law, Erin, and three grandchildren, Ryan , Abby, and Geoffrey Mitchell.


1. Biochemistry: An Introduction
2. Water
3. Amino Acids
4. Protein Structure and Function
5. Carbohydrates and Glycobiology
6. Lipids
7. Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids
8. Biological Membranes and Transport
9. Enzymes
10. Biosignaling
11. Bioenergentics
12. Glycolysis, Gluconeogenesis and Pentose Phosphate Pathway
13. Citric Acid Cycle
14. Mitochonadria and Oxidative Physphorylation
15. Photosynthesis
16. Photosynthetic Carbohydrate Synthesis
17. Biosynthesis of Amino Acids and Nucleotides
18. Lipid Biosynthesis
19. Amino Acid Oxidation and Production of Urea
20. Hormonal Regulation and Integration of Mannalian Metabolism
21. Genes and Chromosomes
22. DNA Metabolism
23. Transcription
24. Protein Metabolism
25. Regulation of Gene Expression
26. Gene Cloning Glossary Index

ISBN-13碼 : 9789814778008
出版日期 : 2016
版次 : 5
書系代碼 : 04194
作者 : Veer Bala Rastogi.K. R. Aneja
開數 : 菊8開
頁數 : 672
裝訂 : 平裝
印刷 : 彩色
定價 : 1250

