Transgenesis Techmiques 2/e 2002

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Transgenesis Techmiques 2/e 2002




This revised and updated edition of a much-acclaimed classic presents a collection of readily reproducible techniques for the generation and analysis of transgenic animals, with emphasis on the manipulation of the mammalian genome. It concentrates on the creation and maintenance of genetically modified murine strains, providing access to the germline by both conventional pronuclear injection, and by retroviral and adenoviral infection. Extensive coverage is also given to the generation, maintenance, and manipulation of embryonic stem cell lineages, with protocols for both constitutive and conditional (Cre-lox or the Flp-frt systems) gene targeting. Additional chapters provide cutting-edge techniques for the cryopreservation of both male and female germlines, for the generation of transgenic sheep by nuclear transfer, and for the basic analysis of transgenic organisms.


pt. 1. Topical reviews in transgenesis
Biomedical and agricultural applications of animal transgenesis / Jim McWhir
pt. 2. Transgenesis in invertebrate and lower vertebrate species
Gene transfer in Drosophila / Mark J. O'Connor
pt. 3. Transgenesis in the mouse: oocyte injection
Oocyte injection in the mouse / Gary A.J. Brown
pt. 4. Alternative routes to the germline
Adenoviral infection / Tohru Tsukui
Retroviral infection / Richard A. Bowen
pt. 5. Transgenesis in the mouse: the ES cell route
In vitro isolation of murine embryonic stem cells / David Wells
Production of chimeras derived from murine embryonic stem cells / David Wells
Gene targeting strategies / David W. Melton
Cre/loxP recombination system and gene targeting / Ralf Kühn
pt. 6. Cryopreservation of mouse lines
Cryopreservation of transgenic mouse lines / Jillian M. Shaw
Ovarian tissue transplantation and cryopreservation: application to maintenance and recovery of transgenic and inbred mouse lines / Jillian M. Shaw
pt. 7. Transgenesis in the rat
Transgenesis in the rat / Linda J. Mullins
pt. 8. Transgenesis in domestic species
Generation of transgenic livestock by pronuclear injection / A. John Clark
Transgenic sheep from cultured cells / Keith H.S. Campbell
pt. 9. Characterization and analysis of transgenic strains
Analysis of transgenic mice / Stefan Selbert

ISBN-13碼 : 9780896036963
ISBN-10碼 : 0896036960
出版日期 : 2002
版次 : 2
書系代碼 : HP019
作者 : Alan R. Clarke
開數 : 16開
頁數 : 351
裝訂 : 精裝
印刷 : 黑白
定價 : 4725

