ECGs By Example 2/e 2005

定價 $ 580
售價 $ 300

ECGs By Example 2/e 2005-需求單

ECGs By Example 2/e 2005


This is a book of 100 full 12-lead ECGs displayed on the upper part of a double-page spread with, below, notes and illustrations about the particular features of the ECG that are of importance, and a clinical comment on the case along with a list of the common causes of the problem. Thus the book provides in itself a collection of full 12-lead ECGs of a wide range of common clinical problems encountered in casualty, ordered in the way that a fledgling ECG mind might place them. All the ECGs are reproduced as real traces and are of normal size. Examples of variation in the clinical conditions are also included. The book carries on from simpler ECG books and provides a greater depth of experience in ECG training.
•  Provides good reproduction of full 12-lead ECGs
•  Includes a wide range of cardiac abnormalities
•  Highlights the diagnostic criteria for each abnormality listed
•  Reflects how this subject is encountered in practice
•  The traces are originals, not redrawn or stylized
•  Assists the student by illustrating alongside the key features of the recording; thus these can be viewed in relation to the whole trace
•  A useful guide to a difficult subject which has to be fully understood by a wide range of health professionals
•  20 new recordings included, mainly further examples of common conditions rather than rarities.
•  Inclusion of radiographical images in some cases, to highlight additional clinical features relevant to the ECG.
•  New section on System disorders and drug effects
•  New section on Technical issues


Dean Jenkins, Specialist Registrar in Care of the Elderly, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff; and Stephen John Gerred, MB, ChB, Consultant Gastroenterologist, Middlemore Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand


Section 1 Supraventricular rhythms 
Section 2 Ventricular rhythms 
Section 3 Bundle branch block 
Section 4 Heart block 
Section 5 Pacemakers 
Section 6 Ischaemic heart disease 
Section 7 Hypertrophy patterns 
Section 8 Systemic disorders and drug effects 
Section 9 Technical issues 
Section 10 Miscellaneous 

ISBN-13碼 : 9780443074103
ISBN-10碼 : 0443074100
出版日期 : 2005
版次 : 2
書系代碼 : 07061
作者 : Richard Dean Jenkins.Stephen John Gerred
開數 : 菊8開
頁數 : 232
裝訂 : 平裝
定價 : NT$580.00

