ECG Interpretation made Incredibly Easy 2/e 2002

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售價 $ 600

ECG Interpretation made Incredibly Easy 2/e 2002-需求單

ECG Interpretation made Incredibly Easy 2/e 2002


Who'd have thought that learning ECG interpretation could be so much fun? This completely updated reference retains all the humor and simplicity of the original. New features include more than 25 practice ECG rhythm strips with answer keys; a chart that lets readers promptly detect the right arrhythmia; entertaining learning aids called "Cheat Sheets"; and "Practice Makes Perfect" -- case study questions and answers that let nurses assess their progress. Contents include ECG fundamentals; sinus node, atrial, ventricular, and junctional arrhythmias; atrioventricular blocks; treatments such as pacemakers and antiarrhythmics; 12-lead ECG interpretation; and more.
A Brandon-Hill Recommended Title.

ISBN-13碼 : 9781582551357
出版日期 : 2002
ISBN-10碼 : 1582551359
版次 : 2
書系代碼 : 07078
作者 : Springhouse
開數 : 18開
頁數 : 296
裝訂 : 平裝
定價 : NT$1,050.00

