Rapid Review of ECG Interpretation 2005

定價 $ 650
售價 $ 300

Rapid Review of ECG Interpretation 2005-需求單

Rapid Review of ECG Interpretation 2005


The authors aim to provide a comprehensive review of ECG interpretation in a case presentation format. The book begins with the basic principles of electrocardiography and provides comprehensive tables listing differential diagnoses of all the major ECG abnormalities. The 50 cases illustrated by large format ECG traces in colour have been chosen to cover a wide range of clinical scenarios in cardiology and more general medical practice. Precise answers and detailed discussion follow each question. Important areas each covered by a variety of cases include pacemakers, arrhythmias and myocardial infarction. There are also cases of rarer conditions, and those that illustrate possible important pitfalls in routine clinical practice.
This book takes a practical, thought provoking approach. It is a valuable resource for doctors, nurses, technicians and students wishing to extend or reinforce their knowledge of ECG interpretation, and in preparation for examinations.


Section 1: Principles of electrocardiography; 
Section 2: Comprehensive assessment of the ECG; 
Section 3: Cases; Classification of cases; 

ISBN-13碼 : 9781840760439
出版日期 : 2005
ISBN-10碼 : 1840760435
書系代碼 : 07087
作者 : Tariq Azeem.Michael Vassallo.Nilesh Samani
頁數 : 128
裝訂 : 平裝
印刷 : 彩色
定價 : NT$650.00

