Gastroenterologic Endoscopy 2/e (CD-ROM)

定價 $ 10,325
售價 $ 9,809

Gastroenterologic Endoscopy 2/e (CD-ROM)-需求單

Gastroenterologic Endoscopy 2/e (CD-ROM)


The new edition of this definitive resource encompasses every possible aspect of gastroenterologic endoscopy in great depth with a huge array of domestic and international contributors who are acknowledged experts in the field. It covers all aspects of diagnostic as well as therapeutic endoscopy and shows both normal and pathological appearances. It is aimed at all specialists who routinely or occasionally undertake these procedures, and is the most complete, comprehensive and authoritative text in the field.
• This new edition reflects the rapid expansion of the field of gastroenterologic endoscopy -- with 50 new chapters, 30 new contributors, over 1,300 illustrations (over 600 in full colour), and 10,000 references.
Entire sections devoted to GI Bleeding and New Techniques.
• Multiple chapters include the recent advances provided by endoscopic ultrasonography.
Covers basic principles including instrumentation in most comprehensive fashion.
• Organisation is organ spacific and includes the esophagus to the colon as well as the bile ducts and pancreas.
Includes a unique chapter on investigation techniques and innovative concepts.


Sect. 1. Principles and concepts of gastroenterologic endoscopy
Sect. 2. New and investigative techniques
Sect. 3. Gastrointestinal bleeding
Sect. 4. Upper gastrointestinal tract
Sect. 5. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
Sect. 6. Colonoscopy
Sect. 7. Laparoscopy

ISBN-13碼 : 9780721666334
出版日期 : 1999
ISBN-10碼 : 0721666337
版次 : 2
書系代碼 : 13037
作者 : Michael V. Sivak.Donna A. Schleutermann
頁數 : 1344
定價 : NT$10,325

