Acute Medicine: A Practical Guide to the Management of Medical Emergencies 4/e 2008

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Acute Medicine: A Practical Guide to the Management of Medical Emergencies 4/e 2008


This extremely popular title has become the definitive pocket guide to the management of medical emergencies for front-line hospital doctors. It provides detailed guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of all common conditions and includes a step-by-step guide to the nine most important practical procedures in acute medicine.


David C. Sprigings, Consultant Physician, Northampton General Hospital, UK
John B. Chambers, Reader, Guy's, King's and St Thomas' Hospitals, London, UK and Consultant Cardiologist, Maidstone Hospital, Kent, UK


Section 1: Common presentations.
1 The critically ill patient: assessment and stabilization.
2 Cardiac arrest.
3 Cardiac arrhythmias: general approach.
4 Broad complex regular tachycardia.
5 Broad complex irregular tachycardia.
6 Narrow complex tachycardia.
7 Atrial fibrillation and flutter.
8 Bradycardia and atrioventricular block.
9 Hypotension.
10 Sepsis and septic shock.
11 Poisoning: general approach.
12 Poisoning with aspirin, paracetamol and carbon monoxide.
13 Acute chest pain.
14 Acute breathlessness.
15 Arterial blood gases, oxygen saturation and oxygen therapy.
16 Respiratory failure.
17 Acid–base disorders.
18 The unconscious patient.
19 Transient loss of consciousness.
20 Acute confusional state.
21 Falls and ‘off legs’.
22 Acute headache.
23 Acute vomiting.
24 Acute abdominal pain.
Section 2: Specific problems.
25 Acute coronary syndromes with persisting ST elevation or new left.
bundle branch block.
26 Acute coronary syndromes without persisting ST elevation.
27 Cardiogenic shock.
28 Aortic dissection.
29 Acute pulmonary edema.
30 Cardiac valve disease and prosthetic heart valves.
31 Infective endocarditis.
32 Acute pericarditis.
33 Cardiac tamponade.
34 Severe hypertension.
35 Deep vein thrombosis.
36 Pulmonary embolism.
37 Problems with pacemakers and implantable.
cardioverter-defi brillators.
38 Airway management and upper airway obstruction.
39 Acute asthma.
40 Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
41 Pneumonia (1): community-acquired pneumonia.
42 Pneumonia (2): hospital-acquired pneumonia.
43 Pneumothorax.
44 Pleural effusion.
45 Hemoptysis.
46 Examination of the nervous system in acute medicine.
47 Stroke.
48 Transient ischemic attack.
49 Subarachnoid hemorrhage.
50 Bacterial meningitis.
51 Encephalitis.
52 Spinal cord compression.
53 Guillain–Barré syndrome.
54 Epilepsy (1): generalized convulsive status epileticus.
55 Epilepsy (2): management after a generalized fit.
56 Raised intracranial pressure.
57 Acute upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage.
58 Esophageal rupture.
59 Acute diarrhea.
60 Acute jaundice.
61 Ascites.
62 Acute liver failure.
63 Alcoholic hepatitis.
64 Biliary tract disorders and acute pancreatitis.
65 Acute renal failure.
66 Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemic states.
67 Diabetic ketoacidosis.
68 Hyperosmolar non-ketotic hyperglycemia.
69 Sodium disorders.
70 Potassium disorders.
71 Calcium disorders.
72 Acute adrenal insufficiency.
73 Thyroid emergencies.
74 Cellulitis.
75 Acute arthritis.
76 Acute vasculitis.
77 Interpretation of full blood count.
78 Bleeding disorders and thrombocytopenia.
79 Management of anticoagulation.
80 Sickle cell crisis.
81 Anaphylaxis and anaphylactic shock.
82 Complications of cancer.
83 Acute medical problems in the HIV-positive patient.
84 Fever on return from abroad.
85 Acute medical problems in pregnancy and peripartum.
86 Psychiatric problems in acute medicine.
87 Alchohol-related problems in acute medicine.
88 Hypothermia.
89 Drowning and electrical injury.
90 Palliative care.
Section 3: Procedures in acute medicine.
91 Arterial blood gas sampling.
92 Central vein cannulation.
93 Temporary cardiac pacing.
94 Pericardial aspiration.
95 DC cardioversion.
96 Insertion of a chest drain.
97 Lumbar puncture.
98 Aspiration of a knee joint.
99 Insertion of a Sengstaken–Blakemore tube.

ISBN-13碼 : 9781405129626
出版日期 : 2007
版次 : 4
書系代碼 : 15009
作者 : David C. Sprigings.John B. Chambers
開數 : 32開
頁數 : 616
裝訂 : 平裝
印刷 : 黑白
定價 : NT$1,190

