The Infectious Diseases Manual 1995

定價 $ 750
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The Infectious Diseases Manual 1995-需求單

The Infectious Diseases Manual 1995


This book is for junior doctors and general practitioners who need a concise overview of infectious disease. Section One introduces infectious disease and microbiology. Section Two, on clinical syndromes, adopts a systematic approach, and comprises the bulk of the book. Fourteen chapters cover the infections commonly encountered in each body system, with sections devoted to AIDS and the common venereal diseases. Each clinical syndrome is presented under consistent headings of: epidemiology and transmission; pathogenesis; clinical features; prognosis; management; immunity and prevention. Section Three outlines the organisms and the specific infections that they cause. Section Four consists of tabulated information on the safe–prescribing of antibiotics, and is followed by a section of appendices that outline immunization schedules and choice antibiotics for common clinical situations, and a glossary.


David Wilks is the author of The Infectious Diseases Manual, 2nd Edition, published by Wiley.
Mark Farrington is the author of The Infectious Diseases Manual, 2nd Edition, published by Wiley.
David Rubenstein is the author of The Infectious Diseases Manual, 2nd Edition, published by Wiley.


Section I: Clinical Infectious Diseases:; 
Chapter 1: Upper Respiratory Tract Infections; 
Chapter 2: Lower Respiratory Tract Infections; 
Chapter 3: Cardiac Infections; 
Chapter 4: Gastrointestinal Infections; 
Chapter 5: Kidney and Urinary Tract Infections; 
Chapter 6: Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDS); 
Chapter 7: CNS Infections; 
Chapter 8: Eye Infections; 
Chapter 9: Skin Infections; 
Chapter 10: Bone and Joint Infections; 
Chapter 11: Paediatric Infections; 
Chapter 12: HIV Infection and AIDS; 
Chapter 13: Infections in the Immunocompromised Host; 
Chapter 14: Travel Medicine; 
Chapter 15: Fever; 
Chapter 16: Septic Shock; 
Section II: Microbiology:; 
Chapter 17: Staphylococci and Their Relatives; 
Chapter 18: Streprococci and Their Relatives; 
Chapter 19: Aerobic Gram-Positive Rods; 
Chapter 20: Coliforms, Vibrios and Campylobacters; 
Chapter 21: Pseudomonads; 
Chapter 22: Fastidious Gram-Negative Organisms; 
Chapter 23: Anaerobes; 
Chapter 24: Spirochaetes; 
Chapter 25: Mycobacteria; 
Chapter 26: Mycoplasmas, Chlamydiae and Rickettsiae; 
Chapter 27: Virology; 
Chapter 28: Protozoa; 
Chapter 29: Helminths; 
Chapter 30: Fungi; 
Section III: Antibiotic Therapy:; 
Chapter 31: Classification of Important Antibodies; 
Chapter 32: Antibodies; Theory, Usage and Abusage; 
Chapter 33: Antibiotic Doses; 
Section IV: Appendices:; 
Appendix A: Immunisation Schedules: 
Appendix B: Glossary

ISBN-13碼 : 9780865426702
ISBN-10碼 : 0865426708
出版日期 : 1995
書系代碼 : 18017
作者 : David Wilks.Mark Farrington.David Rubenstein
開數 : 32開
頁數 : 368
裝訂 : 精裝
印刷 : 黑白
定價 : NT$750.00

