Gordis Epidemiology 6/e 2019 with student cosult online Access (國考指定用書)
$ 1,750
$ 1,575
Gordis Epidemiology 6/e 2019 with student cosult online Access (國考指定用書)-需求單
From the Department of Epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University and continuing in the tradition of award-winning educator and epidemiologist Dr. Leon Gordis, comes the fully revised 6th Edition of Gordis Epidemiology. This bestselling text provides a solid introduction to basic epidemiologic principles as well as practical applications in public health and clinical practice, highlighted by real-world examples throughout. New coverage includes expanded information on genetic epidemiology, epidemiology and public policy, and ethical and professional issues in epidemiology, providing a strong basis for understanding the role and importance of epidemiology in today's data-driven society.
.Covers the basic principles and concepts of epidemiology in a clear, uniquely memorable way, using a wealth of full-color figures, graphs, charts, and cartoons to help you understand and retain key information.
.Reflects how epidemiology is practiced today, with a new chapter organization progressing from observation and developing hypotheses to data collection and analyses.
.Features new end-of-chapter questions for quick self-assessment, and a glossary of genetic terminology.
.Provides more than 200 additional multiple-choice epidemiology self-assessment questions online.
.Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
.Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
CHAPTER 2 The Dynamics of Disease Transmission
CHAPTER 3 The Occurrence of Disease: I. Disease Surveillance and Measures of Morbidity
CHAPTER 4 The Occurrence of Disease: II. Mortality and Other Measures of Disease Impact
CHAPTER 5 Assessing the Validity and Reliability of Diagnostic and Screening Tests
CHAPTER 6 The Natural History of Disease: Ways of Expressing Prognosis
CHAPTER 7 Assessing Preventive and Therapeutic Measures: Randomized Trials
CHAPTER 8 Randomized Trials: Some Further Issues SECTION II Using Epidemiology to Identify the Causes of Disease
CHAPTER 9 Cohort Studies
CHAPTER 10 Case-Control Studies and Other Study Designs
CHAPTER 11 Estimating Risk: Is There an Association
CHAPTER 12 More on Risk: Estimating the Potential for Prevention
CHAPTER 13 A Pause for Review: Comparing Cohort and Case-Control Studies
CHAPTER 14 From Association to Causation: Deriving Inferences from Epidemiologic Studies
CHAPTER 15 More on Causal Inferences: Bias, Confounding, and Interaction
CHAPTER 16 Identifying the Roles of Genetic and Environmental Factors in Disease Causation SECTION III Applying Epidemiology to Evaluation and Policy
CHAPTER 17 Using Epidemiology to Evaluate Health Services
CHAPTER 18 The Epidemiologic Approach to Evaluating Screening Programs
CHAPTER 19 Epidemiology and Public Policy
CHAPTER 20 Ethical and Professional Issues in Epidemiology
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作者 :
David D Celentano
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