Essentials of Public Health Biology: A Guide for the Study of Pathophysiology: A Guide for the Study of Pathophysiology (Essential Public Health)

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Essentials of Public Health Biology: A Guide for the Study of Pathophysiology: A Guide for the Study of Pathophysiology (Essential Public Health)-需求單

Essentials of Public Health Biology: A Guide for the Study of Pathophysiology: A Guide for the Study of Pathophysiology (Essential Public Health)




Understanding how and why manifestations of a disease occur and incorporating this knowledge into public health decision-making is the very essence of public health practice.
As the only text of its kind, Essentials of Public Health Biology explores pathophysiology within the context of the disciplines and profession of public health. Readers will gain a clear understanding of the pathogenesis of various disease conditions and how to identify critical points at which such pathogenesis could either be prevented or interrupted. Infectious, nutritional, metabolic, genetic, and environmental risks and the impact of such risks on various organ systems are thoroughly examined.
Ideal for the student with a science background, this text applies the scientific clinical foundation to the practice of public health through case studies, exercises, and points for discussion. 
• Gives readers a clear understanding of the biological basis of disease put in the context of Public Health.
• Teaches key skills in public health to prepare the student for further investigation of critical topics.
• Includes a complete package of instructor and interactive student resources.


Constance U. Battle, MD - The George Washington University, Milken Institute School of Public Health
Constance U. Battle, MD, is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Prevention and Community Pediatrics at The George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health and a Clinical Professor of Pediatrics in The School of Medicine and Health Sciences and a member of the academic staff at Children’s Hospital National Medical Center. In the early 1990s, as a Fellow in the Creating Healthier Communities Fellowship of the Healthcare Forum, Dr. Battle focused on adolescent mothers with HIV/AIDS and their children, a project that evolved into the Minority Adolescent Community Initiative. In recent years, she has transferred her managerial leadership skills to new fields, serving as Executive Director of the Foundation for the National Institute of Health.
Dr. Battle was named a Washingtonian of the Year by Washingtonian magazine and earned the President’s Medal for Distinguished Community Service of the Catholic University. At GW, she won the alumni Volunteer Award in 1994 and the Undergraduate Public Health Excellence in Teaching Award in 2005. Dr. Battle earned a Bachelor of Arts degree (Chemistry) at Trinity College and the Doctor of Medicine Degree at The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences where she has taught for 30 years.
Dr. Battle served as president of the Association for the Care of Children’s Health, an advocacy group dedicated to psychosocially sound, developmentally appropriate and family-centered health care for children. She has also served on the board of the National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutions; as chair of the Scientific Review Board of Children’s Hospice International; and on the advisory board of the GW Institute for Spirituality and Health. Other service activities have supported the work of the American Academy of Pediatrics Developmental Disabilities Sector, the American Hospital Association and the DC Hospital Association.
Dr. Battle has authored over 30 articles, book chapters, and monographs on various topics in pediatrics. She currently teaches the Biologic Basis of Public Health (PubH 102) and the Introduction to Public Health and Health Services (PubH 101). In addition, she serves as a regular guest lecturer in The Introduction to Preventive Medicine (PubH 103) and The History and Philosophy of Public Health (PubH 105) classes.


Part I  Concepts of Health and Disease in Public Health
  Chapter 1  Essay: The Origins And Achievements Of Modern Science
  Chapter 2  Biochemistry: A Foundation For Health Sciences
  Chapter 3  Genetics And Public Health
  Chapter 4  The Public Health Triad
  Chapter 5  Epidemiological And Public Health Perspectives On Aging In America
  Chapter 6  Drug-Induced Diseases And Safe Medication Use
  Chapter 7  Disease Versus Disease: How Some Diseases Ameliorate Others
  Chapter 8  Behavioral Determinants Of Health
Part II  Using Public Health To Address Behavioral Change
  Chapter 9  Understanding Nutrition For The Public's Health
  Chapter 10  The Nutrition Transition: Changes In Eating Patterns And The Relationship To Chronic Illness
  Chapter 11  Exercise: The Vaccine And Antidote For Obesity
  Chapter 12  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: A Lifespan Perspective
  Chapter 13  Smoking, Nicotine And Addiction: Tobacco Or Health?
  Chapter 14  Pathophysiology Of Injury: Why Gravity Is Your Enemy
  Chapter 15  Oral Health: The Neglected Epidemic In Public Health
Part III  Concepts of Pathophysiology
  Chapter 16  Immunizations And Immunity
  Chapter 17  Inflammation: Understanding Its Role In Acute And Chronic Disease
  Chapter 18  Why We Stay Well: Stress, Allostasis, And Scientific Integrative Medicine
  Chapter 19  Cancer Prevention From A Biologist's Perspective
  Chapter 20  Colon Cancer: A Common, And Yet Preventable, Cancer
Part IV  The Public Health Burden of Infectious Disease
  Chapter 21  Soil-Transmitted Helminths: Worms - The Most Common Pathogens of Humankind
  Chapter 22  Malaria: The Challenge Of Scaling-Up Multiple Effective Tools
  Chapter 23  Tuberculosis: The Deadly Comeback Of An Old Infectious Disease
  Chapter 24  Acquired Immune Deficieny Syndrome (AIDS): History And Timeline
  Chapter 25  HIV:Biology, Transmission, And Natural History In Humans
  Chapter 26  Afterword: The HIV/AIDS Epidemic
  Chapter 27  Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA): A Deadly Superbug
  Chapter 28  Meningococcal Meningitis: It Strikes Without Warning!
  Chapter 29  Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection And Immunization
  Chapter 30  Helicobacter Infection And Peptic Ulcer
  Chapter 31  Avian And Seasonal Influenza
  Chapter 32  Bioterrorism: Medical And Public Health Implications
Part V  The Public Health Burden of Chronic Disease
  Chapter 33  Hypertension And The Kidney
  Chapter 34  Epidemiology Of Atherosclerosis
  Chapter 35  Stroke: A Guide For Prevention For Patients And Families
  Chapter 36  Diabetes: A Public Health Pandemic
  Chapter 37  Chronic Kidney Disease: The New Epidemic
  Chapter 38  Achieving Asthma Control
  Chapter 39  Arthritis: The Nations Most Common Cause Of Disability
  Chapter 40  Osteoporosis:A Significant Cause Of Disability And Mortality
  Chapter 41  Alzheimer's Disease: A Slow Death
  Chapter 42  Perinatal Depression: A Worldwide Problem In Women's Health
  Chapter 43  The Science Of Sleep
Part VI  Skills and Tools of Public Health
  Chapter 44  Information-Seeking Strategies In Public Health
  Chapter 45  Communicating Public Health Information

ISBN-13碼 : 9780763744649
出版日期 : 2010
ISBN-10碼 : 0763744646
書系代碼 : 18C005
作者 : Constance U. Battle
開數 : 25開
頁數 : 614
裝訂 : 平裝
印刷 : 黑白
定價 : 3148

