Introduction to Epidemology 5/e 2010

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Introduction to Epidemology 5/e 2010




Introduction to Epidemiology, Fifth Edition is a reader-friendly exploration of the basic principles of epidemiology and their application in solving current public health issues. Readers will learn how to identify and describe problems, formulate research hypotheses, select appropriate research study designs, manage and analyze epidemiologic data, interpret study results, and apply the results to prevent and control disease and health-related events. The Fifth Edition is a thorough revision that gives greater attention to real-world, contemporary public health problems involving both infectious and chronic diseases and conditions, making it an ideal introductory text for the epidemiology student with minimal training in the biomedical sciences and statistics.


Foundations of epidemiology
Historical developments in epidemiology
Practical disease concepts in epidemiology
Design strategies and statistical methods used in descriptive epidemiology
Descriptive epidemiology according to person, place, and time
General health and population indicators
Design strategies and statistical methods used in analytic epidemiology
Experimental studies in epidemiology
Causal inference
Field epidemiology
Chronic disease epidemiology
Clinical epidemiology

ISBN-13碼 : 9780763766221
ISBN-10碼 : 0763766224
出版日期 : 2009
版次 : 5
書系代碼 : 18C007
作者 : Ray M Merrill
開數 : 菊8開
頁數 : 417
裝訂 : 平裝
印刷 : 黑白
定價 : 2000

