Community Nutrition: Applying Epidemiology to Contemporary Practice 2/e 2008

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Community Nutrition: Applying Epidemiology to Contemporary Practice 2/e 2008


Community Nutrition, Second Edition, introduces future nutrition professionals to the relationship between nutritional epidemiology and the research, policies, and programs regarding prevention and treatment. Organized into three comprehensive parts'Part One: Nutrition in US Communities, Part Two: Primary Preventions of Disease, and Part Three: Secondary and Tertiary Prevention-Managing Disease and Avoiding Complications'this text not only covers general population nutrition, but also men's and women's health, diverse populations, and special populations. By exploring nutritional epidemiology through community planning for health promotion and disease prevention, future professionals will be prepared to promote self-management, behavioral change, and environmental interaction in their communities. New trends and research findings have changed and continue to change prevention and treatment in the United States. This Second Edition has been thoroughly updated to provide the practical tools and current research essential to the success of today's nutrition professionals.


Part One: Nutrition in US Communities 
Chapter 1: Epidemiology'The Foundation of Community Nutrition 
Chapter 2: Nutrition in the United States 
Chapter 3: The Community Nutrition Professional 
Chapter 4: Working with Special Groups in a Complex Environment 
Chapter 5: Nutrition Policy, Healthcare Reform, and Population-Based Change 

Part Two: Primary Preventions of Disease 
Chapter 6: Food-Borne Illness 
Chapter 7: Healthy Eating in Early Life'Infants and Preschoolers 
Chapter 8: Nutrition for School-Age Children 
Chapter 9: Adults and Their Nutritional Needs 
Chapter 10: Older Adults Part Three: Secondary and Tertiary Prevention'Managing Disease and Avoiding Complications 
Chapter 11: Coronary Heart Disease 
Chapter 12: Cancer 
Chapter 13: Diabetes Mellitus 
Chapter 14: Hypertension 
Chapter 15: Obesity 
Chapter 16: Debilitating Diseases--Osteoporosis, Alcoholism, Arthritis, and Renal Disease 
Chapter 17: Preventing Single and Cluster Diseases

ISBN-13碼 : 9780763730628
出版日期 : 2007/10/08
版次 : 2
書系代碼 : 19239
作者 : Gail C. Frank
開數 : 18開
頁數 : 936
裝訂 : 精裝
印刷 : 黑白
定價 : NT$1,450.00

