Wintrobe's Clinical Hematology 2 Vols 12/e 2009

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Wintrobe's Clinical Hematology 2 Vols 12/e 2009


Established since 1942 as the leading hematology textbook, Wintrobe's Clinical Hematology is now in its thoroughly revised Twelfth Edition. The text continues its tradition of correlating basic science with the clinical practice of hematology and is organized to help physicians find clinical answers quickly and easily.
The Twelfth Edition is in full color for the first time, includes more international contributors, and has two new editors, Daniel A. Arber, MD and Robert T. Means, Jr., MD. Highlights include expanded coverage of molecular genetics and pathogenesis, more hematopathology illustrations, and current information on new medications and their rapid bench-to-bedside development. Four new chapters cover anemias unique to the newborn period, pathology of LHC and other histiocytic disorders, tumors of the spleen, and pathology and classification of myeloproliferative disorders and mast cell disease.

A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text and an image bank.


PART I Laboratory Hematology. 

PART II The Normal Hematologic System. 
Section 1. Hematopoiesis. 
Section 2. The Erythrocyte. 
Section 3. Granulocytes and Monocytes. 
Section 4. The Lymphocytes. 
Section 5. Hemostasis. 

PART III Therapeutic Modalities. 

PART IV Disorders of Red Cells. 
Section 1. Introduction. 
Section 2. Disorders of Iron Metabolism and Heme Synthesis. 
Section 3. Hemolytic Anemia. 
Section 4. Hereditary Disorders of Hemoglobin Structure and Synthesis.
Section 5. Other Red Cells Disorders. 

PART V Disorders of Hemostasis and Coagulation. 
Section 1. Introduction. 
Section 2. Thrombocytopenia. 
Section 3. Other Disorders of Primary Hemostasis. 
Section 4. Coagulation Disorders Platelet Destruction. 
Section 5 Thrombosis. 

PART VI Nonmalignant Disorders of Leukocytes,the Spleen, and/or Immunoglobins. 

PART VII Hematologic Malignancies. 
Section 1. General Aspects. 
Section 2. The Acute Leukemias. 
Section 4. Lymphoproliferative Disorders. 
Section 5. Plasma Cell Dyscrasias.

ISBN-13碼 : 9780781765077
出版日期 : 2008/12/01
版次 : 12
書系代碼 : 21135
作者 : M.d. Greer, John P. .M.D. Foerster, John.M.D. Rodgers, George M..M.D. Paraskevas, Frixos.Ph.D. Glader, Bertil, M.D.
開數 : 菊8開
頁數 : 3232
裝訂 : 精裝
印刷 : 彩色
定價 : 9950

