Immunology 7/e 2006

定價 $ 1,450
售價 $ 700

Immunology 7/e 2006-需求單

Immunology 7/e 2006


Extensively updated, this edition offers readers a carefully structured approach to learning the building blocks of the immune system, cells, organs and major receptor molecules, as well as initiation and actions of the immune response, especially in a clinical context.

ISBN-13碼 : 9780808923329
ISBN-10碼 : 0808923323
出版日期 : 2006
版次 : 7
書系代碼 : 23027
作者 : David B. Roth.Ivan Roitt.David Male.Jonathan Brostoff
開數 : 菊8開
頁數 : 544
裝訂 : 平裝
印刷 : 彩色
定價 : NT$1,450.00
教學資源 : 僅供採用本書為授課教科書之老師申請

