Roitt's Essential Immunology 11/e 2006

定價 $ 1,150
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Roitt's Essential Immunology 11/e 2006


Roitt's Essential Immunology has established itself as the book of choice for students of immunology worldwide. This excellent textbook is commonly regarded as 'the best of the immunology primers' and the eleventh edition remains at the cutting edge of this fascinating area of science.The trademark of this book is its highly readable introduction to the subject, its emphasis on core knowledge and its excellent four-color artwork. The internationally renowned authors have extensively updated all aspects of the book to produce a new edition, which will be an invaluable resource to students of immunology and medicine. Roitt's Essential Immunology is supported by a website at This useful on-line resource includes interactive multiple-choice questions with feedback, key concepts explained with animations, further reading lists with PubMed links, and an archive of images from the book.


Professor Ivan Roitt, University College London
Dr Peter Delves, University College London
Professor Dennis Burton, Scripps Research Institute
Professor Seamus Martin, Trinity College, Dublin


Innate immunity
Specific acquired immunity
Membrane receptors for antigen
The primary interaction with antigen
Immunological methods and applications
The anatomy of the immune response
Lymphocyte activation
The production of effectors
Control mechanisms
Ontogeny and phylogeny
Adversarial strategies during infection
Tumor immunology
Autoimmune diseases

ISBN-13碼 : 9781405136037
ISBN-10碼 : 1405136030
出版日期 : 2006
版次 : 11
書系代碼 : 23109
作者 : Peter J. Delves.Seamus Martin.Dennis R. Burton.Ivan M. Roitt
開數 : 菊8開
頁數 : 496
裝訂 : 平裝
印刷 : 彩色
定價 : NT$1,150.00

