Professional Guide to Signs and Symptoms 4/e 2003

定價 $ 1,650
售價 $ 1,568

Professional Guide to Signs and Symptoms 4/e 2003-需求單

Professional Guide to Signs and Symptoms 4/e 2003


Thoroughly reviewed and updated for the Fourth Edition, this comprehensive manual covers more than 550 signs and symptoms. More than 300 of the most important signs and symptoms are organized alphabetically; each entry includes an introduction with the definition, description, incidence, significance, and summary of causes; emergency interventions (where appropriate); history and physical examination; medical causes; other causes, such as drugs, herbal medicines, procedures and treatments; special considerations, including complications, comfort measures, and tests; pediatric pointers; geriatric pointers; and patient counseling. This manual includes more than 500 illustrations, tables, and flowcharts for quick access to information. An appendix of 250 less familiar, accessory, or nonspecific signs and symptoms is included, along with English/Spanish translations of common signs and symptoms. New to this edition: signs and symptoms of important emerging diseases, coverage of biologic weapons of mass infection, and gender differences in the appearance of signs and symptoms.

ISBN-13碼 : 9781582552897
ISBN-10碼 : 1582552894
出版日期 : 2003/08/01
版次 : 4
書系代碼 : 25117
作者 : Springhouse
開數 : 18開
頁數 : 864
裝訂 : 精裝
定價 : NT$1,650.00

