A Textbook of General Practice 2/e 2004

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A Textbook of General Practice 2/e 2004


Aimed at medical students and junior doctors, A Textbook of General Practice 2e incorporates the essential information that a student needs to know and understand about general practice and being a general practitioner. The learning style of the book is based on experiential and reflective principles in keeping with modern educative theory and practice. It addresses changes in the curriculum and provides guidance on practical skills, the theory of providing good medicine and the larger considerations of encouraging life long learning and professional development. This is a relatively new approach, in line with the GMCs recommendations and the MRCGP exams.
The new edition builds on the successful formula of the first, by thoroughly reviewing and revising all content. Self-assessment sections have been added to all chapters and a glossary of terms is included at the end of the book. Thinking/discussion points have been extended and additional student quotes included.


Anne Stephenson
Senior Lecturer and Joint Head of Undergraduate Teaching, Department of General Practice and Primary Care, GKT School of Medicine, London, UK
Paul Booton BSc (Hons) MB BS MRCP MRCGP
Senior lecturer, Head of final year, General Practitioner, Guy's, King's and St Thomas' School of Medicine, Clinical Skills Laboratory, London, UK
Joanna Collerton BM BCh, MRCP, MRCGP
Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Ageing and Health, Newcastle General Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Sue Fish BA (Hons) Cantab
Primary Care Development Manager , Lambeth Primary Care Trust, London, UK.
Helen J Graham DCH,FRCGP, ILTM
Senior Lecturer General Practice and Primary Care, Guys, Kings and St Thomas' School of Medicine, Kings College London, London, UK
Graham Hewitt MSc. BA. Hons
Clinical Governance Development Manager, Clinical Governance Resource Group, Dulwich Hospital, London, UK
General practitioner and Professor of General Practice and Primary Care, Department of General Practice and Primary Care, Kings College London, London, UK
Mary Lawson M.A (Health education) ILTM
Senior Tutor, Associate lecturer (Open University) and Senior Health Promotion Specialist (Berkshire) Department of General Practice and Primary Care, Guy's, King's and St Thomas' School of Medicine, King's College London, London, UK
Cath Miskin MB BS MRCGP DRCOG Dip Med Ed
Clinical Lecturer Dept of General Practice and Primary Care, Guy's Kings and St Thomas School of Medicine, Kings College London, London, UK; GP Principal, South London, UK.
Richard J W Phillips MA MRCP ILTM
Senior Lecturer, Department of General Practice & Primary Care, Guy's Kings & St Thomas' School of Medicine, King's College London, London, UK.
Mary Seabrook
Steven Smith M.B.,B.S. MRCGP,DRCOG,BSc Hons
Clinical Adviser, Clinical Governance Resource Group, Dulwich Hospital, East Dulwich Grove, London, UK.

Patrick White
Ann Wylie


Chapter 1: Learning in general practice: why and how? - Mary Seabrook and Mary Lawson 
Chapter 2: General practice and its place in primary care - Anne Stephenson 
Chapter 3: The general practice consultation - Anne Stephenson 
Chapter 4: Common illnesses in general practice - Joanna Collerton 
Chapter 5: Psychological issues in General Practice - Roger Higgs 
Chapter 6: General practice skills - Helen Graham 
Chapter 7: Diagnosis and acute management in general practice - Paul Booton and Joanna Collerton 
Chapter 8: Prescribing in general practice - Paul Booton and Joanna Collerton 
Chapter 9: Chronic illness and its management in general practice - Patrick White 
Chapter 10: Treating people at home - Patrick White 
Chapter 11: Health promotion in general practice - Ann Wylie 
Chapter 12: Healthcare ethics and law - Roger Higgs 
Chapter 13: From research evidence to improvements in patient care: clinical audit in general practice - Steve Smith and Graham Hewitt 
Chapter 14: The management of general practice - Sue Fish 
Chapter 15: Preparing to practice - Richard Phillips and Cath Miskin 
Chapter 16: Being a general practitioner - Brian Fine

ISBN-13碼 : 9780340810521
ISBN-10碼 : 0340810521
出版日期 : 2004
版次 : 2
書系代碼 : 25134
作者 : Anne Stephenson
開數 : 16開
頁數 : 321
裝訂 : 平裝
定價 : NT$800.00

