Modern Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 2007

定價 $ 950
售價 $ 600

Modern Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 2007-需求單

Modern Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 2007


This book is directed towards undergraduates and beginning graduate students in microbiology, food science and chemical engineering. Those studying pharmacy, biochemistry and general biology will find it of interest. The section on waste disposal will be of interest to civil engineering and public health students and practitioners. For the benefit of those students who may be unfamiliar with the basic biological assumptions underlying industrial microbiology, such as students of chemical and civil engineering, elements of biology and microbiology are introduced. The new elements which have necessitated the shift in paradigm in industrial microbiology such as bioinformatics, genomics, proteomics, site-directed mutation, metabolic engineering, the human genome project and others are also introduced and their relevance to industrial microbiology and biotechnology indicated. As many references as space will permit are included. The various applications of industrial microbiology are covered broadly, and the chapters are grouped to reflect these applications. The emphasis throughout, however, is on the physiological, biochemical principles, and where possible, the genomic principles behind these applications.


1. Introduction: Scope of Biotechnology and Industrial Microbiology
2. Some Microorganisms Commonly Used in Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
3. Aspects of Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics of Relevance in Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
4. Industrial Media and the Nutrition of Industrial Organisms
5. Metabolic Pathways for the Biosynthesis of Industrial Microbiology Products
6. Overproduction of Metabolites of Industrial Microorganisms
7. Screening for Productive Strains and Strain Improvement in Biotechnological Organisms
8. The Preservation of the Gene Pool in Industrial Organisms: Culture Collections
9. Fermentors and Fermentor Operation
10. Extraction of Fermentation Products
11. Sterility in Industrial Microbiology
12. Production of Beer
13. Production of Wines and Spirits
14. Production of Vinegar
15. Single Cell Protein (SCP)
16. Yeast Production
17. Production of Mircobial Insecticides
18. The Manufacture of Rhizobium Inoculants
19. Production of Fermented Foods
20. Production of Organic Acids and Industrial Alcohol
21. Production of Amino Acids by Fermentation
22. Biocatalysts: Immobilized Enzymes and Immobilized Cells
23. Mining Microbiology: Ore Leaching (Bioleaching) by Microorganisms
24. Production of Antibiotics and Anti-Tumor Agents
25. Production of Ergot Alkaloids
26. Microbial Transformation and Steroids and Sterols
27. Vaccines
28. Drug Discovery in Microbial Metabolites: The Search for Microbial Products with Bioactive Properties
29. Treatment of Wastes in Industry

ISBN-13碼 : 9781578085132
出版日期 : 2007
書系代碼 : 26130
作者 : Nduka Okafor
開數 : 18開
頁數 : 548
裝訂 : 平裝
印刷 : 黑白
定價 : NT$950.00
教學資源 : 僅供採用本書為授課教科書之老師申請

