Fundamentals of Microbiology 10/e 2014

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Fundamentals of Microbiology 10/e 2014


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The Tenth Edition of Jeffrey Pommerville's best-selling, award-winning classic text Fundamentals of Microbiology provides nursing and allied health students with a firm foundation in microbiology. Updated to reflect the Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Microbiology as recommended by the American Society of Microbiology, the fully revised tenth edition includes all-new pedagogical features and the most current research data. This edition incorporates updates on infectious disease and the human microbiome, a revised discussion of the immune system, and an expanded Learning Design Concept feature that challenges students to develop critical-thinking skills.
Accesible enough for introductory students and comprehensive enough for more advanced learners, Fundamentals of Microbiology encourages students to synthesize information, think deeply, and develop a broad toolset for analysis and research. Real-life examples, actual published experiments, and engaging figures and tables ensure student success. The texts's design allows students to self-evaluate and build a solid platform of investigative skills. Enjoyable, lively, and challenging, Fundamentals of Microbiology is an essential text for students in the health sciences.
New to the fully revised and updated Tenth Edition:
•  New Investigating the Microbial World feature in each chapter encourages students to participate in the scientific investigation process and challenges them to apply the process of science and quantitative reasoning through related actual experiments.
•  All-new or updated discussions of the human microbiome, infectious diseases, the immune system, and evolution
•  Redesigned and updated figures and tables increase clarity and student understanding
•  Includes new and revised critical thinking exercises included in the end-of-chapter material
•  Incorporates updated and new MicroFocus and MicroInquiry boxes, and Textbook Cases
•  The Companion Website includes a wealth of study aids and learning tools, including new interactive animations
Features & Benefits
•  Updated to reflect the Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Microbiology as recommended by the American Society of Microbiology
•  Expanded and updated pedagogical features throughout
•  Chapter Challenges and objectives emphasize key concepts and promote material absorption
•  Study Smart notes help ensure student success
•  Accompanied by a full suite of instructor resources, including PowerPoint Lecture Outlines, PowerPoint Image Bank, LMS-ready Test Bank, and a comprehensive Instructor's Manual containing learning objectives and key concepts, teaching points and tips, essay questions, and more
Applicable Courses
Fundamentals of Microbiology is written for introductory microbiology courses and is geared toward students in health and allied health science curricula such as nursing, dental hygiene, medical assistance, sanitary science, agriculture, environmental science, and health administration.


Jeffrey C. Pommerville, PhD-Glendale Community College
Congratulations to Dr. Pommerville who was recently awarded the 2008 Carski Foundation Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award!
Jeffrey Pommerville has a Ph.D. in Cell and Organismal Biology from the University of California, Santa Barbara. After serving as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Georgia, he was an assistant professor of biology at Texas A&M University. For the past 14 years, he has been Professor of Biology at Glendale Community College where he teaches introductory biology and microbiology. He has 20 years of research experience in cell biology and microbiology and has authored over 35 peer-reviewed papers in national and international research journals. For the past three years, he was the principal investigator for Systemic Reform In Science (SyRIS), a project funded by the National Science Foundation that was designed to improve student outcomes in science through changes in curriculum and pedagogy that align with national systemic reform initiatives. In 2003, he was awarded the Gustav Ohaus Award (College Division) for Innovations in Science Teaching from the National Science Teachers Association. Over the past three years, he has presented numerous seminars and workshops to colleges, universities, business, medical, and service organizations on understanding and responding to bioterrorism. 


Part  1  Foundations of Microbiology
  Chapter  1  Microbiology: Then and Now
  Chapter  2  The Chemical Building Blocks of Life
  Chapter  3  Concepts and Tools for Studying Microorganisms
  Chapter  4  Structure of Bacterial and Archaeal Cells
  Chapter  5  Microbial Growth and Nutrition
  Chapter  6  Metabolism of Microorganisms
  Chapter  7  Control of Microogranisms: Physical and Chemical Methods
Part  2  The Genetics of Microorganisms
  Chapter  8  Microbial Genetics
  Chapter  9  Gene Transfer, Genetic Engineering, and Genomics
Part  3  Bacterial Diseases of Humans
  Chapter  10  Airborne Bacterial Diseases
  Chapter  11  Foodborne and Waterborne Bacterial Diseases
  Chapter  12  Soilborne and Arthropodborne Bacterial Diseases
  Chapter  13  Sexually Transmitted and Contact Transmitted Bacterial Diseases
Part  4  Viruses and Eukaryotic Microorganisms
  Chapter  14  The Viruses and Virus-Like Agents
  Chapter  15  Viral Infections of the Respiratory Tract and Skin
  Chapter  16  Viral Infections of the Blood, Lymphatic, Gastrointestinal, and Nervous Systems
  Chapter  17  Eukaryotic Microogranisms: The Fungi
  Chapter  18  Eukaryotic Microorganisms: The Parasites
Part  5  Interactions and Impact of Microorganisms with Humans
  Chapter  19  Infection and Disease
  Chapter  20  Resistance and the Immune System: Innate Immunity
  Chapter  21  Resistance and the Immune System: Acquired Immunity
  Chapter  22  Immunity and Serology
  Chapter  23  Immune Disorders and AIDS
  Chapter  24  Antimicrobial Drugs
Part  6  Environmental and Applied Microbiology
  Chapter  25  Microbiology of Foods
  Chapter  26  Environmental Microbiology
  Chapter  27  Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology

ISBN-13碼 : 9781284039689
出版日期 : 2013
版次 : 10
書系代碼 : 26429
作者 : Jeffrey C. Pommerville
開數 : 菊8開
頁數 : 913
裝訂 : 平裝
印刷 : 彩色
定價 : 1650
教學資源 : 僅供採用本書為授課教科書之老師申請

