Dendritic Cells in Cancer 2009

定價 $ 1,850
售價 $ 600

Dendritic Cells in Cancer 2009-需求單

Dendritic Cells in Cancer 2009


It covers all aspects of DC generation, function, survival and antitumor activity in the tumor environment both in vivo and in experimental in vitro systems. The goal in focusing on a spectrum of issues related to DC in cancer is to provide an extensive and expansive review rather than a collection of independent analyses from different authors.
Specific topics to be covered include analysis of DC behavior in the tumor microenvironment, including endogenous and exogenous DC, multiple DC populations, molecular pathways responsible for DC dysfunction, tumor-derived factors altering DC polarization and activation, mechanisms of DC alterations, and the role of DC in tumor escape from immune recognition and elimination. Furthermore, additional chapters provide extensive analysis of the consequences of cancer therapy on the DC system and how aging impacts DC function in the tumor microenvironment. Finally, chapters are included examining strengths and pitfalls of current methodologies for generating DC from cancer patients for therapeutic purposes and on the role of tumor-mediated modulation of the DC system in cancer immunotherapy.

ISBN-13碼 : 9780387886107
出版日期 : 2009/04/20
書系代碼 : 30063
作者 : Michael R Shurin.Russell D. Salter
開數 : 16開
頁數 : 418
裝訂 : 精裝
印刷 : 黑白
定價 : NT$1,850.00

