Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States 6/e 2002

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Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States 6/e 2002


Now celebrating its 20th anniversary, the Sixth Edition of this bestseller continues to offer an unparalleled presentation of the discipline of Pathophysiology. This edition includes the addition of three new chapters: "Concepts of Health and Disease," "Sleep and Sleep Disorders," and "Neurobiology of Thought and Mood Disorders." Essential information is provided, clarifying the interrelationships between normal body functioning to the physiologic changes that participate in disease production and occur as a result of disease, as well as the body's ability to compensate for these changes. Coverage is based on common health problems for all segments of the population, including the special needs of children and elderly persons. An abundance of learning tools--including in-text summaries, chapter outlines, learning objectives, key concept boxes, Internet addresses and extensive explanations--reinforce material and maximize learning potential. This full-color edition, now with seventy-five new illustrations as well as enhancements to existing illustrations, continues to provide visual appeal to facilitate the learning process. Two free Instructors Resource CD-ROMs, including an image bank and a test bank, available to faculty who adopt the text.


I: Concepts of Health and Disease
1. Concepts of Health and Disease
2. Concepts of Altered Health in Children
3. Concepts of Altered Health in Older Adults
II: Cell Function and Growth
4. Cell and Tissue Characteristics
5. Cellular Adaptation, Injury, and Death and Wound Healing
6. Genetic Control of Cell Function and Inheritance
7. Genetic and Congenital Disorders
8. Alterations in Cell Differentiation: Neoplasia
III: Integrative Body Functions
9. Stress and Adaptation
10. Alterations in Temperature Regulation
11. Alterations in Nutritional Status
12. Alterations in Activity Tolerance
IV: Hematopoietic Function
13. Blood Cells and the Hematopoietic System
14. Alterations in Hemostasis
15. The Red Blood Cell and Alterations in Oxygen Transport
16. Disorders of White Blood Cells and Lymphoid Tissues
V: Infection, Immunity and Inflammation
17. Mechanisms of Infectious Disease
18. Immunity and Inflammation
19. Alterations in the Immune Response
20. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
VI: Caradiovascular Function
21. Control of the Circulation
22. Alterations in Blood Flow in the Systemic Circulation
23. Alterations in Blood Pressure: Hypertension and Orthostatic Hypotension
24. Alterations in Cardiac Function
25. Disorders of Cardiac Conduction and Rhythm
26. Heart Failure and Circulatory Shock
VII: Respiratory Function
27. Control of Respiratory Function
28. Alterations in Respiratory Function: Respiratory Infections, Neoplasms, and Childhood Disorders
29. Alterations in Respirations: Alterations in Ventilation and Gas Exchange
VIII: Renal Function and Fluid and Electrolytes
30. Control of Renal Function
31. Alterations in Fluid and Electrolytes
32. Alterations in Acid-Base Balance
33. Alterations in Renal Function
34. Renal Failure
35. Alterations in Urine Elimination
IX: Gastrointestinal Function
36. Control of GI Function
37. Alterations in GI Function
38. Alterations in the Function of the Hepatobiliary and Exocrine Pancreas
X: Endocrine Function
39. Mechanisms of Endocrine Control
40. Alterations in Endocrine Control of Growth and Metabolism
41. Diabetes Mellitus
XI: Genitourinary and Reproductive Function
42. Structure and Function of the Male Reproductive System
43. Alterations in Structure and Function of the Male Genitourinary System
44. Structure and Function of the Female Reproductive System
45. Alterations in Female Genitourinary Function
46. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
XII: Neural Function
47. Organization and Control of Neural Function
48. Somatosensory Function and Pain
49. Alterations in Motor Function
50. Disorders of Brain Function
51. Sleep and Sleep Disorders
52. Neurobiology of Thought, Mood, and Anxiety Disorders
XIII: Special Senses
53. Control of Special Senses
54. Alterations in Vision
55. Alterations in Hearing and Vestibular Function
XIV: Musculoskeletal Function
56. Structure and Function of the Skeletal System
57. Alterations in Skeletal Function: Trauma and Infection
58. Alterations in Skeletal Function: Congenital Disorders, Metabolic Bone Disease and Neoplasms
59. Alterations in Skeletal Function: Rheumatic Disorders
XV: Integumentary Funciton
60. Control of Integumentary Function
61. Alterations in Skin Function and Integrity

ISBN-13碼 : 9780781728812
ISBN-10碼 : 0781728819
出版日期 : 2002
版次 : 6
書系代碼 : 35042
作者 : Carol Porth.Mary Pat Kunert
開數 : 菊8開
頁數 : 1525
裝訂 : 精裝
印刷 : 彩色
定價 : NT$1,400.00

