Social Paediatrics is a book unique in concept and approach. It is the first book to focus on the social and environmental factors influencing child health, aspects frequently neglected by paediatricians even though they are among the major determinants of child health. Throughout the book, the authors use the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the positive health targets of the WHO Health for All by the year 2000 initiative as a theme around which to examine the effects of the many health-enhancing and health-threatening factors on child populations. The book challenges many of the traditional medical approaches of child health care. All paediatricians will benefit from a much better understanding of the social factors that affect children's health. This book is concerned with social, political, environmental, and family influences on child health at population and individual levels. This book is intended for paediatricians, especially those working in the community.
Slight dents to edges of cover but otherwise as new.
Bengt Lindström, Lecturer in Social Paediatrics, Nordic School of Public Health, Goteborg. Nick Spencer, Professor of Community Child Health, University of Warwick.
What is social paediatrics and where does it come from? / Michel Manciaux
Child health as a public health issue / Lennart Kohler and Keith Barnard
Social paediatrics in Europe / Nick Spencer, Bengt Lindstrom, and Concha Colomer
For the best interests of the child: the UN Convention on the rights of the child / Bengt Lindstrom
The situation of children in developing countries / Orioll Vall and Oscar Garcia
Demographic trends in pregnancy and birth-weight / Jitka Rychtarikova
Demographic trends in families in Europe: with particular reference to Poland / Aldona Sito
Trends in childhood mortality and morbidity / Roy A. Carr-Hill
Children and war / Tytti Solantaus
Children and HIV infection / Marie-Louise Newell and Catherine Peckham. Pollution and child health / Sheena Nakou
National inequalities in accident mortality among children and adolescents in the European countries / Bjarne Jansson and Leif Svanstrom
Historical perspectives on childhood / Chris Jenks
Growth and development / Jean-Claude Vuille and Claes Sundelin
Risk and risk-taking in adolescents / Vivien Igra and Charles E. Irwin Jr
The new iatrogenesis / Ulla Fasting
Suboptimal nutrition / Ann Aukett and Brian Wharton
Unexpected death in infancy / Elizabeth Taylor
Child abuse and neglect / Stella Tsitoura
Young children with special needs / Agnes Lanyi Engelmayer
Adolescents and young people with special needs / Robert Wm. Blum, Joan-Carles Suris, and Joan Patterson. Children in poverty / Nick Spencer and Hilary Graham
Low birth-weight infants / Pauline Verloove-Vanhorick
Children and families in distress: the case of family breakdown / Bengt Lindstrom and Lennart Kohler
Immigrant and ethnic minority children / John Black
Risk and resilience processes in childhood and adolescence / Ian M. Goodyear
Planning and managing child health services / Louis Martin Alvarez and Joaquin Uris Selles
Intersectoral approaches to promoting health and children / Bob Chamberlin and Barbara Wallace
Outcome and performance measures in child health / Aidan Macfarlane
Implementing immunization programmes / Stuart Logan and Helen Bedford
Child health promotion / Concha Colomer
Can we create a more optimal hospital environment? / Berlith Persson
Partnership with parents / Nick Spencer
Community diagnosis and participation / Jon Cook, Michael Pechevis, and Tony Waterston
Measuring and improving quality of life for children / Bengt Lindstrom
ISBN-13碼 :
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作者 :
Bengt Lindström.Nick Spencer
頁數 :
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