Physiology Secrets 2/e 2003

定價 $ 1,400
售價 $ 1,330

Physiology Secrets 2/e 2003-需求單

Physiology Secrets 2/e 2003


Physiology Secrets, 2nd Edition is a good balance of basic physiology and clinical applications with comprehensive coverage of physiology. As basic science courses are increasingly becoming problem-based, with an emphasis on clinical applications of basic science principles, the Secrets approach is ideally suited to present this kind of information. In its basic Q & A format, this approach is also especially well suited to focusing on the key information in each area of what can be a difficult subject of study.
• Concise answers with valuable pearls, tips, memory aids, and "secrets"
• Includes multiple choice "Final Exam" Q&A
• Raff now editor of leading undergrad physiology book, Vander's Physiology. Will have increased name recognition.
• New chapters include Cell Signaling, Physiology of Bone, Endocrine-Metabolic Integration, Endocrine-Immune Interactions, and Physiology of Aging
• Raff has become an increasingly major name in Physiology and is now on the author team of the Vander Physiology text from McGraw-Hill (competitor to Guyton and Hall)
• All chapters have been updated and expanded, with special focus on strengthening and expanding the Cardiovascular chapter.

ISBN-13碼 : 9781560535096
ISBN-10碼 : 1560535091
出版日期 : 2003
書系代碼 : 39039
作者 : Hershel Raff
開數 : 18開
頁數 : 425
裝訂 : 平裝
印刷 : 黑白
定價 : NT$1,400.00

