Instant Physiology 2/e 2005

定價 $ 500
售價 $ 475

Instant Physiology 2/e 2005-需求單

Instant Physiology 2/e 2005


Instant Physiology is not just astandard physiology textbook. It presents the fundamental physiological information needed for clinical practice in an easily accessible dip-in format.
Each topic is concisely displayed in a double-page spread and is presented in a system-by-system approach to physiology, relating to the clinical requirements of medicine and surgery.
This edition has been updated so that the text on cardiology has been fully revised and new chapters on extremes of physiology, starvation and total parenteral nutrition have been included. The book is now completely indexed.
Ideal for:
• junior doctors and MRCP / MRCS candidates
• medical students on clinical attachments
• nurses and other allied health professionals


Mr Neil Borley is Consultant in colorectal surgery at Cheltenham General Hospital.
Dr Vinod Achan is Specialist Registrar in Cardiology at Kingston Hospital.


1 Cellular Physiology.
2 Cardiovascular Physiology.
3 Respiratory Physiology.
4 Renal Physiology.
5 Alimentary Physiology.
6 Endocrine Physiology.
7 Physiology of the Blood.
8 Physiology of the Nervous System.

ISBN-13碼 : 9781405126632
出版日期 : 2005/10/31
ISBN-10碼 : 1405126639
書系代碼 : 39046
作者 : Neil R. Borley.Vinod Achan
開數 : 18開
頁數 : 224
裝訂 : 平裝
印刷 : 黑白
定價 : NT$500.00

