Statistical Methods for Health Care Research 3/e 1997

定價 $ 1,120
售價 $ 1,064

Statistical Methods for Health Care Research 3/e 1997-需求單

Statistical Methods for Health Care Research 3/e 1997


This exceptional resource provides a well-grounded foundation for the statistics portion of nursing research courses. The third edition continues to emphasize the reading, analysis and writing up of research results, with insight offered on the how to of the process. Special focus is placed on the application of those concepts presented in the text. A computer disk, included with the text, contains data sets that students can use to learn various statistical methods. New hot topics include: Power Analysis, Effect Size, Multivariate Information, and Data Hygiene.

ISBN-13碼 : 9780397553655
出版日期 : 1997
ISBN-10碼 : 039755365X
版次 : 3
書系代碼 : 49015
作者 : Barbara Hazard Munro
頁數 : 464
裝訂 : 平裝
定價 : NT$1,120.00

