Medical Statistics from Scratch 2/e 2002

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Medical Statistics from Scratch 2/e 2002-需求單

Medical Statistics from Scratch 2/e 2002


This second edition combines information from the original two books, Statistics from Scratch and Statistics Further from Scratch, to make one, comprehensive, user friendly, down-to-earth guide to elementary statistics. The book presents a detailed account of the most important procedures for the analysis of data, from the calculation of simple proportions, to a variety of statistical tests, and the use of regression models for modeling of clinical outcomes. The level of mathematics is kept to a minimum to make the material easily accessible to the novice, and a multitude of illustrative cases are included in every chapter, drown from the current research literature.


I. Some fundamental stuff: 1. First things first- the nature of data
II. Descriptive statistics: 2. Describing data with tables
3. Every picture tells a story- describing data with charts
4. Describing data from its shape
5. Measure of location- numbers R us
6. Measures of spread- numbers R Us- (again)
7. Incidence, prevalence, and standardisation
III. The confounding problem: 8. Confounding- like the poor, (nearly) always with is
IV. Design and data: 9. Research design- Part I. Observational study designs
10. Research design- Part II. Getting stuck in- experimental studies
11. Getting the participants for your study: ways of sampling
V. Chance would be a fine thing: 12. The idea of probability
13. Risk and odds
VI. The informed guess- an introduction to confidence intervals: 14. Estimating the value of a single population parameter- the idea of confidence intervals
15. Using confidence intervals to compare two population parameters
16. Confidence intervals for the ratio of two population parameters
VII. Putting it to the test: 17. Testing hypotheses about the difference between two population parameters
18. The Chi-squared (X2) test- what, why, and how?
19. Testing hypotheses about the ratio of two population parameters
VIII. Being acquainted: 20. Measuring the association between two variables
21. Measuring agreement
IX. Getting into a relationship: 22. Straight line models: linear regression
23. Curvy models: logistic regression
24. Counting models: Poisson regression
X. Four more chapters: 25. Measuring survival
26. Systematic review and meta-analysis
27. Diagnostic testing
28. Missing data
Appendix: table of random numbers

ISBN-13碼 : 9780470844748
ISBN-10碼 : 0470844744
出版日期 : 2002
版次 : 2
書系代碼 : 49028
作者 : David Bowers
頁數 : 207
裝訂 : 平裝
印刷 : 黑白
定價 : NT$650.00

