Catch Up Maths & Stats 2e: For the Life and Medical Sciences

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Catch Up Maths & Stats 2e: For the Life and Medical Sciences


Catch Up Maths & Stats covers the core maths skills you will need on any life or medical sciences course including:
• working with fractions and powers
• preparation of a dilution series
• how to calculate standard deviation
• using and understanding graphs
• analysing enzyme kinetics
• choosing the right statistical test
Over 200 examples are provided to show the relevance and application of maths and stats to your course. This new edition also now provides further coverage of differentiation and integration alongside nearly 70 more questions and answers to help you test your understanding.
Catch Up Maths & Stats will bring you up to speed in the shortest possible time, even if you didn't study maths at advanced level.


About the authors; 
01 How to use this book; 
02 Handling numbers; 
03 Working with fractions; 
04 Percentages; 
05 Powers; 
06 Circles and spheres; 
07 Approximation and errors; 
08 Introduction to graphs; 
09 The gradient of a graph; 
10 Algebra; 
11 Polynomials; 
12 Algebraic equations; 
13 Quadratic equations; 
14 Simultaneous equations; 
15 Sequences and series of numbers; 
16 Working with powers; 
17 Logarithms; 
18 Exponential growth and decay; 
19 Differential calculus; 
20 Further differential calculus; 
21 Integral calculus; 
22 Further integral calculus; 
23 Using graphs; 
24 Recognising patterns in graphs;
25 SI units; 
26 Moles; 
27 pH; 
28 Buffers; 
29 Kinetics; 
30 The language of statistics; 
31 Describing data: measuring averages; 
32 Standard deviation; 
33 Checking for a normal distribution; 
34 Degrees of freedom; 
35 How to use statistics to make comparisons; 
36 The standard error of the mean; 
37 Confidence intervals; 
38 Probability; 
39 Significance and P values; 
40 Tests of significance; 
41 t tests; 
42 Analysis of variance; 
43 The chi-squared test; 
44 Correlation; 
45 Regression; 
46 Bayesian statistics; 
Answers to "test yourself" questions.
 Appendix 1: Flow chart for choosing statistical tests;
Appendix 2: Critical values for the t distribution; 
Appendix 3: Critical values for the chi-squared distribution; 

ISBN-13碼 : 9781904842903
出版日期 : 2013
版次 : 2
書系代碼 : 49033
作者 : Michael Harris.Gordon Taylor.Jacquelyn Taylor
開數 : 25開
頁數 : 232
裝訂 : 平裝
印刷 : 黑白
定價 : NT$1,050

