Radiology Recall 2/e 2008

定價 $ 950
售價 $ 400

Radiology Recall 2/e 2008-需求單

Radiology Recall 2/e 2008


Part of the successful Recall Series , Radiology Recall is ideal for medical students and interns reviewing radiology on rotations. It follows an interactive question-and-answer format that allows readers to test and reinforce their recall of key concepts. Icons throughout the text flag Key Concepts and Mnemonic Devices. The book is organized by organ system and extensively illustrated with over 400 images.

This Second Edition features a new chapter on nuclear medicine and major updates on CT, PET, and interventional radiology. The chapters on physics and vascular imaging have been extensively revised.


1. Introduction
2. Imaging Techniques
3. Nuclear Medicine
4. Pulmonary Imaging
5. Cardiac Imaging
6. Vascular Imaging
7. Musculoskeletal Imaging
8. Gastrointestinal Imaging
9. Genitourinary Imaging
10. Breast Imaging
11. Calcifications Obstetric and Gynecology Imaging
12. Pediatric Imaging
13. Cranial and Spinal Imaging

ISBN-13碼 : 9780781765596
出版日期 : 2007/12/15
版次 : 2
書系代碼 : RC020
作者 : Spencer B Gay.Richard J Woodcock
開數 : 32開
頁數 : 826
裝訂 : 平裝
印刷 : 黑白
定價 : NT$950.00

